Человек Паук - Королева Вампиров (The Vampire Queen) (Сезон 4 - Серия 7)

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Описание 4.07 - Королева Вампиров (The Vampire Queen) [17.05.1997]

Блэйд находит свою мать в лице… Королевы Вампиров. Кошка покидает нашего героя.

After a confrontation with Miriam the Vampire Queen, Blade is horrified to learn that she was once his human mother. Using a psychic link, Miriam finds Morbius, who is fighting his vampire hunger, to find out what unconventional means he used to become one of her kind. Learning of the Neogenic Recombinator, Miriam plans to use the device to create more vampires to serve her.
Категории: Мультфильмы